Temptation is not sin.
The first time I heard this, it was like a great weight had lifted from me. I don’t know about you but I get so upset with myself not just when I fail but even when I THINK about sinful desires. I’m reminded in these moments that Christ was tempted in the wilderness and yet he is called the spotless lamb. He went through an attack on the mind and body...and yet he overcame!!
“Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry.”
Luke 4:1-2
Why is temptation so powerful? Because temptation feeds into what our flesh desires. We were born with these desires. We feel it physically, mentally and emotionally. There is often a chemical and hormonal reaction to giving into that desire. “It feels good” because there was a release of endorphins, dopamine or serotonin. These hormones are released during sexual interactions, exercise and even eating or drinking certain foods. They were given by God for us to enjoy life! But the enemy comes to distort all the good God has created. Our bodies don’t know the difference... but our soul does.
Denying the physical desires is not easy.
In fact, it’s impossible. We all sin and we all have certain sins we are more prone to. You know, that one area you find yourself fighting the most? Maybe even a little ashamed that it’s such a strong pull on you?
Don’t be ashamed! We ALL struggle with temptation. Yes, all of us!! The moment we begin to think we are immune, that we have it together, that is when we are most vulnerable. We can not fight our flesh with our own flesh. We are not able in our own self to say “no”. It must be fought in the spirit! We have been equipped with the most powerful being in the universe, the Holy Spirit!!
The only way to find strength in the midst of temptation is to turn to the Holy Spirit. He walks with us and is there in every moment of every day. He knows our temptations. He knows our thoughts. And He has promised to give us wisdom and strength. He speaks truth into our hearts and reveals the lies of the enemy. He is there, ready to help. We need only to turn to Him. Spending time every day reading the truth of God’s word, talking with Him and praising His Name. The problem arises when, because of the temptation, we don’t seek God the same. We feel shamed that we want to sin. This can cause us to pray and worship just a little less. This distancing from God and the Holy Spirit is exactly what the enemy wants! And it’s not like God doesn’t already know what we are thinking and feeling!
When we struggle, it is no surprise to God. Our strength comes from giving Him our weakness. So many times I’ve told God that I really want to give into temptation. Sometimes the only reason I’m not giving in is because of how it will distance me from Him. I’ve even found myself trying to persuade God it’s not so bad. Really?! I laugh at myself when I think back on those moments. He is always quick to gently remind me the lies of the enemy again. He reminds me of what happens after.
My soul feels empty. My spirit a bit lost.
But God is so good and when, not if we fall, He is right there with open arms. Ready to restore and get us back on our feet. He is faithful every time...grace like a wave crashing over and over and over again!!
“But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.)”
Romans 8:9 NLT
“For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live.”
Romans 8:13 NLT
