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  • Writer's pictureJulia Monk

Work of Art

When was the first moment you believed you weren’t enough?

When did you believe the lie you weren’t pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, good enough in that sports/music/school?

We aren’t born feeling “not enough” even though the nature is in us. It takes a lie from the world to unlock that. Someone close who made you work for feeling loved. Someone who said unkind words. Comparison to others who you deemed “better” in some area. We ALL have,  at some point in time believed that. Why does it seem that some people can so easily recognize the lie, choose to brush it off and walk in confidence? While others place the lie on themselves as a label, layer after layer, tearing down their identity and the truth of how loved they are, how perfectly and wonderfully they are made.

It’s the SOURCE!! Every single human begins to search when they feel like they are not enough. They search for someone to love them and make them feel good enough, even if for a moment. They search for acceptance from friends or likes from “friends” on social media. They question their identity and search for answers in the world, very literally searching Google for their “truth”. Every single one of these leading to temporary comfort followed by emptiness and more pain because they aren’t going to THE source. You can’t learn the beauty and purpose behind a piece of art by googling it, taking it to random people , etc. Only the artist can give you the story behind why that piece of art was created, why each handcrafted movement was thoughtfully done and the beauty behind it. Can you imagine someone taking an expensive piece of art and adding their own touches to that piece. A little change here and there completely destroys the piece! However, the original artwork is still there, underneath the attempts to "better" the piece and only God can restore the artwork to its original beauty.

The lies are so easy to access today, even when we do everything to avoid them. They scream at us from media at every angle. They deceptively whisper to our minds through the day. We can miss catching them if we are not continually speaking with the artist. Everyday asking the Holy Spirit to show us, open our eyes to the deceiver, teach us how to shut up the lies and walk in our true identity. We are all beautifully and wonderfully made, worthy of love and created in our mother’s wombs just as the artist intended.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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