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  • Writer's pictureJulia Monk

The REAL Reality

One day I found myself in the midst of God's presence so thick around me as I worshipped Him. Everything in my life seemed so clear in his presence. All that is truly important was given light and the rest of the world's concerns melted away. I'm able to see who I truly am, the way God sees me. I thought about other moments I have church, a conference or camp, where his presence just overwhelmed me with feelings of joy, peace, love and clarity. I never want to leave when I'm in these moments. I thought about how hard it was to leave and go "back to reality". We often yo-yo between these moments of joy and then reluctantly return to "reality". But then it hit me. Those moments with God ARE our reality! It's where truth is brought to light. When the creator of the universe gets down on our level and speaks truth right into our hearts, like a light piercing the darkness. The rest of our lives in the day to day world is where the lies come from. It's where the enemy will use distraction, fear, anxiety, depression, compromise, worldly standards and false identities to shift our thoughts and feelings away from the truth of our identity in Christ.

"For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality." Colossians 2:17

In order to keep the true reality "out there", I need to keep the reality maker consistently in my heart and mind. I must walk with and talk with the Holy Spirit in every situation to see the truth. When I think about the amount of time most believers are being fed the words of the world versus time with Jesus, it makes sense why we often fall into the lies. How many hours of the day are we bombarded with the rules and expectations of the world? But the more time I find myself in his presence, the more clearly I see my identity and my life as he planned it. He is quick to highlight the lies I may have believed and replaces it with understanding and peace. Truth is not found in your emotions or current circumstances. The world will try to tell you the reality that you live in but we live for the eternal. Our reality is built on the creator of the universe! We can still find joy, peace and love amidst the worlds voice!!

"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see."

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